Conversation (Chat)

A conversation(chat) object lets you have conversations with 1 or more Users.

You can view how a chat object can be created for a one-to-one conversation or a group chat with multiple members.

Event Listeners

Listen for typing started

This is called whenever a participant of the conversation starts typing.

chat.onTypingStarted((user) => {
       //do something when a user starts typing


Listen for typing stopped

This is called whenever a participant of the conversation stops typing.

chat.onTypingStopped((user) => {
       //do something when a user stops typing


Listen for user status changes (online/offline)

This is called whenever the status of a user in a conversation changes from online to offline or vice versa.

chat.onMemberStatusChanged((memberId,status) => {
       //do something when a user status changes



Get ID

Get the id of the conversation, returns a string

const id = chat.getId()

Get Title

Get the title of the conversation, returns a string

const title = chat.getTitle()

Get Conversation Avatar

Get the avatar of the chat, returns a string which is the url to the avatar

const avatar = chat.getChatAvatar()

Get recent message

Get the most recent message sent in the conversation. Returns a Message object.

const message = chat.getLastMessage()

Get Members

Get an array of all the users of this conversation

const users = await chat.getMembers()

Get MemberIds

Get an array of ids of all the members of this conversation

const userIds = await chat.getMemberIds()

Get Metadata

get an optional key value pair for any additional chat information.

const metadata = chat.getMetadata()

Set Metadata

Add any additional chat information.

await chat.setMetaData(metadata)


Add member to group chat

Add a member to a group chat

await chat.addMember(username)

Add member to group chat by ID

add a member to a group chat using a member ID

await chat.addMemberById(userId)

Remove member from group chat

Remove a member from a group chat

await chat.removeMember(username)

Remove member from group chat by ID

Remove a member from a group chat using a member ID

await chat.removeMemberById(userId)

Notify everyone typing started

Call this function to notify everyone who is a participant of the conversation that the current user has started typing


Notify everyone typing stopped

Call this function to notify everyone who is a participant of the conversation that the current user has stopped typing


Set Message Seen

Call this function to notify participants of the conversation that a message has been seen. (useful when handling message seen states).



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